GmMaW lunch with colloquium speaker Mikaela Iacobelli, Oct ’24

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Fall 2024
Event | Date/time | Place | Notes |
Weekly Lunch Hour | every Friday, 12-1:30pm | VV 307 | come hang out! <3 |
Lunch with ACMS Speaker Miranda Homles-Cerfon | Nov 8, 12-1:30pm | VV 307 | Free food: Estacion Inka |
Finding an advisor/research workshop | Nov 4, 5:30-7pm | VV 911 | Free food: Ian’s pizza |
Career Panel (academia, teaching, & industry) | Oct 21, 5:30-7pm | VV 911 | Free food: Estacion Inka |
Social: dinner at the Memorial Union Terrace | Oct 15, 6pm | Memorial Union Terrace | |
Lunch with Colloquium Speaker Mikaela Iacobelli | Oct 11, 12-1:30pm | VV 307 | Free food: Banzo |
Professional Presence Workshop Event | Sept 23rd, 5-6:30pm | VV 911 | Free food: pizza |
Beginning of Semester Lunch | Sept 13th, 12-1:30pm | VV 911 | Free food from Banzo! (vegan options too as always!) |
Spring 2024
Event | Date/time | Location | Notes |
GmMaW stroll along lake Mendota | tbd week of 4/29 | lake Mendota trail | |
Bagels and Coffee with invited speakers | April 19th, 10:30-11:30 am | VV 911 | Margaret Regan and Teresa Yu |
Lightning talks | April 10th, 12-1:30pm | VV B223 | For the lightning talk schedule, see above, and for the abstracts, see below! |
GmMaW Visit day meet-and-greet | March 20th, 10-11am | VV 901 | |
Craft night | Feb 23rd, 6-8:30pm | Gabriela’s place-see email for address | Potluck |
CV night | Feb 12th, 5-6:30pm | VV 911 | Pizza (with vegan options) from Ian’s pizza! |
Beginning of Semester Lunch | Jan 31st, 12-1:30pm | VV 901 | Free food from Banzo! (vegan options too as always!) |
Fall 2023
Event | Date/time | Location | Notes |
GmMaW lunch | Wednesday, Sept 13th, 12-1:30pm | 9th floor lounge | Free food! |
Game night | Sept 29th 5-8pm | Van Vleck 911 | Bring games!
Free pizza! |
Grant workshop | Oct 16th, 12-1pm | Van Vleck B223 | |
Lunch with Colloquim speaker | Oct 20th, 12-1pm | Van Vleck 901 | Sara Maloni (UVA) |
Joint event with undergrads | Oct 23rd, 5-6pm | Free pizza! | |
Bagels and coffee with Gigliola Staffilani | Oct 24th, 10:30-11:30am | Van Vleck 9th floor lounge | |
Website workshop night | Dec 4th, 5:30-7:00pm | Van Vleck 9th floor lounge | Banzo falafels! |
Summer 2023
Event | Date/time | Place | Notes |
Hangout on the Memorial terrace | Friday, June 9th 5:00-7:00pm | Memorial Union Terrace |
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
Event | Date/time | Place | Notes |
Game Night #2 | May 5th 5:00-7:00pm | Van Vleck 901 | Wingspan/Mario kart edition |
CV writing night (free pizza!) | Apr 20th 5:00-6:30pm | Van Vleck 911 | Marissa Loving and Aleksandra (Ola) Sobieska |
Breakfast with applied algebra seminar speaker (coffee and bagels!) | Apr 7th 10:00-11:00am | Van Vleck 901 | Marina Garrote López |
Brown Bag Lunch | Mar 30th 12:00-1:30 | Van Vleck 901 | |
Coffee with prospective students | Mar 24th 10:00-10:30am | Van Vleck 901 | |
First Spring 2023 Semester Brown Bag Lunch with Dynamics seminar speaker | Monday, Feb 6 12:00 – 1:30 pm | Van Vleck 901 | Karen Butt |
Spring Game night (free pizza!) | Thursday, Feb 23 5:00 – 7:00pm | Van Vleck 901 | |
Fall 2022 Weekly study session | Wednesdays 4-6pm | Van Vleck B321 | |
Dinner with distinguished lecture speaker | Nov 8th 2022 | Taste of Sichuan | Kristin Lauter |
Website night (free pizza!) | Oct 18th 2022, 5-6:30pm | Van Vleck 911 | |
Lunch with colloquium speaker | Sept 9th 2022, 12:30 – 1:30 | Van Vleck 901 | Jing Tao |
Resources from past events
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Lightning Talk Abstracts
Kaiyi Huang: Guth’s polynomial method to prove the endpoint multilinear Kakeya problem
Abstract. This is a brief overview of Guth’s groundbreaking result of the endpoint multilinear Kakeya problem. The main tools are Borsuk-Ulam Theorem from algebraic topology and properties of the zero set (variety) of a low degree polynomial.
Allison Byars: Bootstrap Argument in Dispersive PDEs
Abstract. The bootstrap argument is an abstract principle similar to an induction argument that can be applied to many areas of math. In this talk, we’ll look at the (very short) proof of the bootstrap principle, and see how it can be applied to prove dispersive estimates in PDEs.
Rachel Heikkinen: Cospectral Pairs of Graphs
Abstract. In this talk, I will introduce some fundamental definitions that are used in spectral graph theory. We say two graphs are cospectral if they have the same eigenvalues with respect to some matrix. One may ask, is there always a cospectral pair of a tree and a nontree? I examine this question first through the adjacency matrix, the most commonly studied matrix in graph theory. However, the question extends further to the Laplacian, signless Laplacian, and normalized adjacency matrices.
Haley Kottler: An Introduction to Causal Inference
Abstract. In situations where randomized controlled trials would be unethical or impractical, there is often still observational data available for study. Causal inference is a branch of applied probability that allows us to use observational data to answer causal questions. I will introduce the basic assumptions and strategies of causal inference.
Boyana Martinova: Non-Standard Graded Polynomial Rings
Abstract. In a first algebra course, we learn about polynomials and (crucially) the degree of a polynomial. In abstract algebra, we learn that the set of polynomials over some variables form a ring. But what would happen if we assign different “weights” to our variables? How does the underlying commutative algebra change if I begin to fiddle with the degrees of each variable? These are some questions we’ll explore during this (very short) overview of non-standard graded polynomial rings!
Amelia Stokolosa: Harmonic analysis on nilpotent Lie groups: inverses of singular integral operators
Abstract. What goes wrong when you study inverses of singular integral operators on nilpotent Lie group with a noncommutative group multiplication? Turns out a lot the ideas of harmonic analysis on Euclidean space (including the Fourier transform!) are no longer all that useful. Instead, one looks elsewhere for clues, for example, PDEs.
Lightning Talks Schedule (April 10th)
Time | Speaker | Title of Talk | Notes |
12-12:15 | Kaiyi Huang | Guth’s polynomial method to prove the endpoint multilinear Kakeya problem | |
12:15-12:30 | Allison Byars | Bootstrap Argument in Dispersive PDEs | |
12:30-12:45 | Rachel Heikkinen | Cospectral Pairs of Graphs | |
12:45-1 | Haley Kottler | An Introduction to Causal Inference | |
1-1:15 | Boyana Martinova | Non-Standard Graded Polynomial Rings | |
1:15-1:30 | Amelia Stokolosa | Harmonic analysis on nilpotent Lie groups: inverses of singular integral operators |